Coaching Program for New Not-for-Profit Chief Executive Officers/Executive Directors
About this Program
Capacity Canada has launched a new coaching and development program to support newly appointed CEOs and EDs of not-for-profit organizations. Over a three to four-month period, this coaching program consists of four phases. It can be tailored to meet the needs and experience level of the new organizational leader.
As a result of Capacity Canada’s experience working with new CEOs/EDs, often from outside the organization, the program has evolved. This new coaching program is especially helpful to individuals who are first time CEOs/EDs, who have had difficulties achieving effective onboarding, and who haven’t had access to a step-by-step framework, based on best practices and the skill set necessary to successfully activate their new role as the senior staff leader. A comprehensive onboarding program may be difficult or impossible to design and implement for Board Chairs or Directors.
Capacity Canada’s new Coaching Program for New CEOs/EDs is a support and development program. Boards or new CEOs/EDs may initiate this program as a means of enhancing their successful start-up within their new organization.
Program Phases
This new program covers four phases over several months, focusing on both specific internal and external activities that will assist the new leader in engaging with the Board, staff and volunteer teams, partners, funders, and others. It is designed to facilitate a progressive, planned-entry approach built on developing a sound knowledge in:
- Understanding the Organization
- Operating Environment
- Governance Model and Processes
- Essentials in Building Strong Working Relationships with all stakeholders
Adaptable to each organization’s needs and the new CEO’s/ED’s experience level and background, the program is flexible and scalable. Capacity Canada’s Executives in Residence, who have decades of experience in not-for-profit governance, organizational development, senior leader training, and related areas, will deliver the program. Depending on the needs and interests of each organization, the program costs will be tailored accordingly.

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If you are interested in learning more about this important program, please contact Cathy Brothers at [email protected] .