September Project Update

By Nancy Mattes, Director, Social Prosperity Wood Buffalo

It’s been a glorious long hot summer for me with time to rest, reflect and rejuvenate.  It’s hard to believe that my daughter Sam started grade 8 yesterday and we’re back to the same old routine.  Sam is ready for a little more routine, regular exercise and a decent bed-time!  When I think about Social Prosperity Wood Buffalo, however, the words “routine” and “regular” don’t come to mind. Community building projects such as this one are often messy, organic and in a constant state of change.  While our process continues to evolve, the goal to build capacity in community nonprofit organizations remains firmly intact.

Now that we’re mid-way through year two of the five-year project, we’re noticing a constant tension between the desire to address short-term issues and the need to develop a change process that will result in the desired outcomes. This tension is healthy but it’s important for us to acknowledge it as we continue along our journey towards the sustainable and resilient island of tomorrow.

At this stage in the project the need to engage stakeholders from all walks of life is becoming increasingly important.  In addition to ensuring multi-sectoral participation, we also need people who are open to change.  Young people have no preconceived notions and are more open to experimentation and risk. We’re exploring new territory together and the more open we are to new ways of thinking the better.  How can we create room for young people to participate in this journey?

I’m looking forward to seeing you at our events and hope you will single me out to tell me about your ideas. There is so much potential for us to build social prosperity in Wood Buffalo and lead Canada in building properous communities everywhere.