Let’s start the conversation about strengthening your organization’s
sustainability, resiliency, and impact.
A member of our team will follow up to discuss your needs.
Program Summary
Capacity Canada offers facilitated organizational assessments to help nonprofit leaders understand and prioritize impactful capacity building and organizational strengthening.
This program includes an assessment survey, summary report, and a debrief session to explore identified capacity-building needs.
Facilitated capacity assessments can help nonprofit leadership teams spot opportunities for organizational development, find alignment, and commit to action.
“Organizational Capacity” is the effective combination of knowledge, capabilities, resources to achieve goals, strategy, mission.
Mission and Strategy
Learning and Evaluation
Field Engagement
External Communications
Human Resources
Organizational Culture
Financial Management
Fundraising and Donor Relations
Safety & Security
Executive Leadership
Not-for-profits use assessments to find & act on opportunities to enhance their impact
Assessment insights support the success of key organizational initiatives including strategic planning, mergers, succession planning, and ED/CEO onboarding and training.

Strategic Planning
Strategic plan embeds necessary organizational strengthening in support of mission and strategic goal achievement.

Identify pre-merger risks and capacity-building needs. Monitor post-merger progress and adjust proactively.

ED/CEO Succession
Informing job description, candidate search and screen, transition plan.

New ED/CEO Coaching
Inform ED/CEO onboarding plan with organizational insights. Guide ED/CEO self-development and/or coaching needs.
Program Journey

This program is currently in a pilot phase with generous funding from the Lyle S. Halman Foundation.
“Non-profit organizations today are facing huge challenges as they address increased demand for their services amidst reduced funding and volunteerism. This often prevents them from taking the time to consider their own capacity and impact, and how they might adapt to increasing pressures. Capacity Canada is showing much-needed leadership in developing this new assessment and capacity planning program for non-profits. It will do much to strengthen the sector overall at this critical time.”