An initial review in Waterloo Region’s non-profit sector revealed biases in leadership recruitment practices, marginalizing diverse women. Underrepresented groups like low-income, disabled, racialized, and LGBTQ+ individuals lack representation in leadership roles. The Makeover project aimed to identify barriers for women, trans, and non-binary individuals in non-profit leadership and develop solutions through collective engagement for systemic change. As a result of the project, the team conducted an environmental scan and co-created three tools with community members to help underrepresented women succeed in the nonprofit leadership: Journey Map, Mentorship Network Concept and Culture Change Tool.
In September 2022, Capacity Canada gathered 13 women from nonprofit organizations in the Waterloo Region to share stories of discrimination and marginalization, highlighting their diverse backgrounds and experiences in decision-making positions.
In March 2023, women from underrepresented communities co-created an early concept solution to mentorship for diverse groups working in the non-profit space. This innovative concept aimed to promote radical equality, self-directed learning, and a safe, interactive, and collaborative environment, eliminating the traditional mentor-mentee relationship.
In March 2023, women from underrepresented communities co-created a concept for existing leaders to think about and map their organization’s transformation toward being a more diverse, equitable, inclusive, and accessible culture. The tool compares transforming organizations to nurturing a fire, providing valuable insights for change and adapting elements to fit organizational needs.
Fableeha Choudhury
Project Coordination and Communication Lead
Lisa Allen
Executive in Residence
Liz Dennis
Designer, Capacity By Design
Hugh Munro
Designer, Capacity By Design
Megan Conway
Executive in Residence
Sherryl Petrievic
Leader, Innovator and Mentor in the Waterloo Region