Toronto Wildlife Centre

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Board Member

Volunteer positions available

Toronto Wildlife Centre (TWC) is a registered charity and leader in the field of wildlife rescue, veterinary care, rehabilitation and public education, providing a vital and unique service in Southern Ontario.

Since opening in 1993, TWC has admitted more than 120,000 wild animals representing over 270 different species. The Wildlife Hotline handles over 40,000 calls annually from members of the public and other organizations, and admits approximately 6,000 sick, injured or orphaned wild animals each year.

TWC is also deeply committed to a capital expansion project that will result in a new forever home in the Rouge National Urban Park. When complete, it will be the largest, most advanced wildlife centre in Canada and will allow TWC to expand and improve its programs and services.  We are particularly interested in Directors with expertise in this area, to help inform the development process and ensure that the new facility gets built efficiently and cost effectively.

TWC works in cooperation with numerous agencies including the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative, the Toronto Zoo, the Ontario Veterinary College, many branches of the OSPCA, local animal services agencies, municipal police and the OPP, as well as other non-profit organizations.

 Role of the Board of Directors

The Board provides independent and objective oversight of TWC and acts in the best long-term interests of TWC, its team of staff and volunteers, and wild animals.

While day-to-day operations are led by the Management Directors, the Board-Management Directors relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected. Informed decision making is made possible by Board members who bring broad knowledge and an inclusive perspective. Collectively, the Board:

  • Oversees the development of capital and operational plans and budgets.
  • Ensures that TWC’s financial plans align with operational realities, striking the right balance between the prudent use of resources and providing high quality wildlife care and public education.
  • Monitors policies that guide core operational practices and confirms that effective controls are in place to ensure staff safety and welfare, safeguard TWC’s assets, uphold a positive public image, and manage risk.
  • Assists in planning and achieving TWC’s financial goals, which includes working to a specified budget and revenue generation (i.e. fundraising). Oversees the preparation of, reviews and approves the budget and financial statements.
  • Approves audit reports and material business decisions.
  • Is informed of all legal and fiduciary responsibilities. Ensures management is meeting these responsibilities and assessing risks.
  • Ensures that realistic performance measures and targets are established and monitored.
  • Recruits, retains and releases the Executive Director, sets the terms of his/her employment contract, and participates in the Executive Director’s evaluation.
  • When necessary, directs corrective action be taken by the Executive Director.

Director Responsibilities

Directors operate as part of an independent, multi-disciplinary team. Individual Board members do not represent specific constituencies and have no authority to approve actions, to direct staff, or to speak on behalf of TWC, unless given such authority by the Board.

Board members must act in the best long-term interests of TWC and wildlife. They contribute to informed decision-making with a diverse set of skills, knowledge and experience. Every member of the Board of Directors is expected to:

  • Prepare for and attend all Board meetings and participate knowledgeably and meaningfully in all deliberations of the Board.
  • Serve on and add value to one or more Board committees and actively participate in special assignments/tasks as needed.
  • Keep abreast of developments in their professional area(s) of expertise and propose strategies to solve problems or seize opportunities.
  • Contribute personal knowledge and experience positively in discussions and strive to reach decisions through constructive discussion and consensus.
  • Be aware of and abstain from any conflict of interest, protect confidential and sensitive information, and support decisions of the Board.
  • Serve as ambassadors for TWC, support TWC personally and financially (commensurate with their capacity), participate in special events and fundraising opportunities, and leverage connections in the community so TWC can identify and secure financial resources and partnerships necessary to advance its mission.
  • Act with integrity and abide by TWC’s by-laws and policies, and maintain a high standard in all personal animal care responsibilities and interactions with wildlife.

Time Commitment

The Board generally meets monthly, and the various committees meet as frequently as needed.  Directors should expect to commit at least 3-7 hours per month preparing for and attending Board and committee meetings.

Term of Office

Directors are elected by members to serve for a three-year term, with options for re-election at the end of each term. Each Director may serve a maximum of ten consecutive years. The Board may extend an individual Director’s years of service beyond ten years in exceptional situations.

Knowledge and Experience

The Board is made up of committed members of the community who reflect its diversity and have a demonstrated interest in TWC’s work, leadership potential and/or specific skills, knowledge or experience that would be of benefit to TWC.

TWC is seeking individual Directors with skills in one or more of the following areas:

  • Experience as Board Secretary.
  • Professional skills in legal field (construction industry), risk, IT, construction management, HR and finance.
  • Reviewing and evaluating financial data and the use of financial controls.
  • Developing and monitoring the effectiveness of policies and strategic plans.
  • Assessing risks facing charitable organizations (such as financial, legal, operational and reputational risks).
  • Strong networks and connections to diverse communities, plus an ability to cultivate relationships that advance the organization.
  • Board experience in the charitable or not-for-profit sector.

Personal Qualities

  • Ability to listen, analyze, communicate clearly, work well with others individually and in a group to reach decisions through constructive discussion and consensus.
  • Possess honesty, tolerance of differing views, a friendly, responsive and patient approach, personal integrity, and a sense of humour.
  • A passion for animals, respect for wildlife, and refrain from activities that harm wildlife or their environment.

Each Director of TWC shall be an individual who:

  • is 18 years of age or older;
  • has not been declared incapable by a court in Canada or in another country;
  • does not have the status of a bankrupt;
  • has not been the subject of a criminal conviction; and
  • is not an ineligible individual as defined by the Income Tax Act (Canada).

TWC carries Directors and Officers insurance and indemnifies its Directors against all costs, charges and expenses if they act honestly and in good faith, and have reasonable grounds to believe their conduct was lawful.

How to Apply:

Please send a current resume and brief explanation your of interest in Board service with TWC to [email protected] by April 4, 2025. Make sure that “TWC Board Director” is included in the subject line.

TWC and its Board would like to thank you for your interest in this position. Due to the anticipated number of candidates, only those who qualify for an interview will be contacted. Thank you for your understanding.