Capacity Canada brings together the
ideas, people and resources that fuel social innovation.

Featured Social Impact Articles

NFP Capacity Scorecard

Complete our scorecard to better understand your organization's strengths and challenges and receive a personalized report.

Open Hearth

Open Hearth is a three-year project that aims to increase the presence of underrepresented women* in leadership and decision-making roles within the nonprofit sector. This project will advance the development of two concepts that were co-designed with women from underrepresented communities as part of the Makeover Project completed in 2023.

Annual Board Governance BootCamp

The BootCamp increases your governance abilities by sharing strategies and tools for innovative ways of working that teams can incorporate right away.​


Gain the tools and credentials necessary to demonstrate your board governance capacity. From anywhere, at any time! ​


With over 170,000 non-profits in Canada, it can be hard to find the one that matches your interests and skillset. Let us find that match.

Design Collective

Learn about human-centred design thinking and receive coaching and mentoring to apply it to an issue of importance to their organization. This nine-month professional development program is a no-cost opportunity due to the generous support of Suncor Energy Foundation.   Now Accepting Applications!

Coaching Program for New Not-for -Profit Chief Executive Officers/Executive Directors​

Capacity Canada has launched a new coaching and development program to support newly appointed CEOs and EDs of not-for-profit organizations. Over a three to four-month period, this coaching program consists of four phases. It can be tailored to meet the needs and experience level of the new organizational leader.​

Capacity By Design

Rethink how you approach problem-solving. Capacity by Design integrates three practical stages of design thinking to help organizations tackle their problems head-on.​

Creative Day for Social Good

Bringing together the great minds of today and tomorrow. Work with outstanding students to bring your non-profit to the next level.​

Post Your Board & CEO/ED Positions with us!​

We are happy to post Board & CEO/ED position opportunities from Non-Profit Organizations.​

Land Acknowledgment

Capacity Canada’s offices are located on the Haldimand Tract. This is the land of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Anishinaabe Nations, and the traditional territory of the Chonnonton Peoples.